HONOLULU, HI, Jul 8, 1997/ FW/ — One of the little known fact about Honolulu, HI is that it is a shopper’s paradise! When we think of Hawaii, we think of beautiful sandy beaches, the surf, the flowers and the spirit of Aloha.
We seldom think of shopping when you plan a trip to Hawaii. And then, you arrive and find out that everything the travel brochure said was true plus you discover all those wonderful shops with all their treasures.
Signature Chanel mannequins (all black and sculpted) dressed for fall, one of them crossing a bridge, with the skyline of a city behind them.

Hunting World
This is a curved window, very small, and yet the space was used wisely. A form and two chairs were used to vary height and display both leather and clothes.

Charles Jourdan
Simple straight forward presentation, made dramatic by the swirling curve of the background with animal prints which echoes the leather goods on display. Clever use of props and pedestals which make the display flow instead of static.
This window is part of a series of 4 windows that spells the word DIOR. In this one, it is the letter O. The window is simple and straightforward, yet exudes romance. One form, one stand, and the letter O adorned with fall flowers. Minimalist and yet it is everything.

Two forms and nine framed lifestyle photographs are the main elements of this window. But, its most exciting feature is the floating pedestal held by cables which is actually not seen in the overall picture.
That is the plan of the window designer. For the window to float and the cables not to show.
Very ingenious engineering and the great news is that this set up is available in the market. The window is modern and industrial softened by the floral arrangement and the light at the bottom, creating a romantic atmosphere. The use of pastel colors also softens it, hence the cables holding the whole presentation is not even seen. The 9 lifestyle frames also shows the styles available, an added extra. The two forms show one whole outfit, including shoes and accessories.

Two mannequins and a picture frame. The lesson in this window is how the two mannequins interact. Although they are wearing two different outfits, and their poses are very different, the way they are placed made it a good grouping.
Liberty House

Liberty House is a tradition in Hawaii. Founded at the start of the 20th century, it is the traditional favorite store of both Hawaiians and “kama’aina” which means local residents.
Liberty House always comes up with innovative windows, and this an example. To show leather, two forms were used, displaying leather in an untraditional way, with the purses, hanging in front, instead of the site. A white urn was used for height and focal point.

A study of shapes, mixed and match yet elegant and vibrant at the same time. This is a very innovative way of presenting shoes. Three shoe displayers, with different heights, an abstract gold mannequin, a picture less frame to pull together the whole display. The frame hanging askew adds movement to the otherwise static window presentation.
So De La Renta

The launch of a new perfume by a major fashion house is always a big event, and the launch of So Dela Renta by Oscar DeLa Renta is not an exception. A window announcing it, bigger than life photograph and a bigger than life factice will surely catch your eye.
Ala Moana Center
1450 Ala Moana Boulevard, #1113
Honolulu Hawaii 96814
Photos by Mari Davis
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