The vast majority of us will experience anxiety in our lives. It is a completely normal response to stressful or uncomfortable situations. Because of this, it is important that we understand what anxiety is, what it means for us, and how best to respond.

This piece will discuss some must-know facts about anxiety so those who experience it, or observe others experiencing it, know what to do.

Anxiety is the Most Common Mental Health Issue in the US

Anxiety is so common it reaches number one on the list of mental health disorders that affect Americans. Around 40 million Americans experience this mental disorder, which means there is quite likely someone very close by who struggles with anxiety.

“There are many different anxiety disorders and risk factors within each subcategory”

There are Several Anxiety Disorders

No anxiety disorder is the same, and anxiety can branch off into several different categories depending on the severity and what the triggers may be. The most common anxiety disorder is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). This type of anxiety disorder is twice as likely to occur in women and is also commonly experienced with depression.

Other branches of anxiety disorders include Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and can also present itself in other related illnesses. Because of the nature of this mental health issue, root causes are usually determined to diagnose the right category of anxiety disorder accordingly.

For those who would like more information on anxiety and treatment, visit

Some Natural Remedies Can Help Reduce Anxiety Symptoms

Exercise is a brilliant way to burn off nervous energy, and also ease unpleasant anxiety symptoms. Exercising for a little as 20 minutes a day can help improve anxiety and stress almost instantly, and also offers a wide range of other benefits such as improved sleep and improved self-esteem. Both of which can lessen anxiety symptoms too!

“Genetics does not mean certainty of the development of a disorder”

Genetics Can Play a Role in Anxiety

If your parents, or even grandparents, suffered from anxiety, there is a significant chance that you will too. There can be genetic predispositions to mental health issues which while cannot be altered, can serve as an indicator when someone is looking out for signs.

Knowing about genetic predispositions can also encourage preventative measures against substances and a proactive understanding of situations that could serve as a trigger.

A genetic predisposition does not mean a guarantee and taking care to nurture the right environment can make all the difference for those prone to anxiety.

Anxiety – Mental or Physical?

Anxiety can present itself in both the form of mental symptoms, but also in physical symptoms too, both of which can be quite frightening. While the mental symptoms present themselves as intense worry, a “bad feeling” and panicking, the physical symptoms can also appear as something much more serious than they are. Aside from sweating, or feeling restless, there could also be a tightening in the chest, stomach problems, issues sleeping, hyperventilating, and trembling to name a few.
